
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2023

Corporate publications

According to DVV Media, corporate publishing is the segment in a company's communication mix that makes the same company its own publisher . Marketing experts call this: Owned Media, so it can be published interviews, reports, infographics... Source:  https://dvvmedia.com/en/corporate-publishing/#:~:text=Corporate%20publishing%20is%20the%20segment,can%20do%20it%20all%20yourself. What is the most useful thing you have learnt in your career and why? Articles wanted The most useful thing I have ever learned. What is the most useful thing you have learned? Who did you learn it from? Why is it useful? Write us an article answering these questions. We will publish the best articles on our website.   How to article an article The most useful thing I’ve ever learned Have you ever learned something that completely changed your life? I can remember exactly how it was for me when I got interested in learning English and who helped me become the person I am today. I had always...


Have you ever dreamt about learning a foreign language abroad? If so, which language and where? Video about Sprachcaffe in Brighton Newsletter from Sprachcaffe Brighton https://lasallecancun-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/dc0519_lasallecancun_edu_mx/Ee-vJeH8PElPtNRY16nBEA8BrzUHODXPF_Tn_6NYI4TXwg?e=c90cCW Have you ever heard about Brighton? If so, what. Video about The Best 10 T hings to do in Brighton What is a newsletter, and what is its function?  A newsletter is a form of email marketing that is sent on a regular basis. Email newsletters can be roundups of news, events, promotions, or content. Email newsletters are a great way to build relationships with members of a warm audience (warm audience members are people who have engaged with a brand in some way before). The function of newsletters is to keep the subscribers informed about a particular topic or subject area of a company or organization. Who writes newsletters? Email newsletters are often written by an email m...

The Memorandum

What documents for business releases do you know? What document do you think this person is holding and why? Presentation Link about the Memo: https://lasallecancun-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/dc0519_lasallecancun_edu_mx/ERecq1_tU0pAr2mKrao5WbIBH4wBxEMu0NFRui_bWOHAaQ?e=Ekwz9X Assignment: Write a memo in teams about the assigned case:       1,- broadcast internal changes 2.-    disseminate news 3.- share an upcoming event 4.- update public safety guidelines 5.- raise awareness about an issue 6.- address a problem 7.- make a request 8.- share project updates

How write a circular letter

Brainstorming about business letters and documents Presentation about how to write a circular note https://lasallecancun-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/dc0519_lasallecancun_edu_mx/EZ-NI70UBCZCpcSYpAZDUcUB1NHJ2gJrt3lpN00GYn1ftQ?e=FCblKw Brainstorming about issues for a which a circular note must be written or sent Link for circular note issues and samples https://www.businesscommunicationarticles.com/circular-letter-sample/ Elements in a circular note : 1.- company name 2.- company address 3.- salutation 4.- introduction with the context or reason 5.- body   5.1.- general issue 5.2.- issue details 5.3.- advantages 6..- final remark including the offer validity or expiration date and further contact encouragement 7.- closing formula 8.- signature and contact details Assignment.- Write a circular letter in teams for one the assigned cases : 1.- the arrival of a hotel corporation branch in your city 2.- the announcement of a commercial new product launch 3.- the announcement of a pri...