
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

2.2.- Prefixes and Suffixes

What is your favourite song? Listening Introductory Activity https://www.topworksheets.com/t/ulYelKdUizq Substitution song video Information and Exercises about Prefixes and Suffixes https://www.uefap.com/vocab/build/building.htm 1.- Verbs 1 .1.- Verb Suffixes 1.2.- Verb Prefixes 2.- Nouns 2.1.- Noun Prefixes prefix + noun -> noun 2.2.- Noun Suffixes verb, noun, adjective -> noun Verb + suffix -> noun Noun + suffix -> noun adective + suffix -> noun 3.- Adjectives 3.1.- Adjective Suffixes 3.2.- Adjective Prefixes 4.- Adverbs 4.1.- Adverb Suffixes -never           whenever, wherever, whatever Online Exercise about forming adverbs https://www.autoenglish.org/FCEUse/adjectives2adverbs.htm

2.1.- Capitalisation

  Capitalisation   1.- The first sentence word , for example: ' W hen he tells a joke, he sometimes forgets the punch line.' 2.- The pronoun I , for example: 'The last time I visited Atlanta was several years ago.' 3.- Family relationships when used as proper names, for example: I sent a thank-you note to A unt Abigail but not to my other aunts. Here is a present I bought for  M other. Did you buy a present for your mother? 4.- Proper nouns (the names of specific people, places, organizations, and sometimes things) W orrill Fabrication Company G olden Gate Bridge S upreme Court L ivingston, Missouri M others A gainst D runk D riving 5.- The names of God, specific deities, religious figures, and holy books. G od the F ather the V irgin M ary the B ible the G reek gods M oses S hiva B uddha Z eus Exception:  The word 'god' in general terms is not capitalised, for example,...

1.6.- Dashes vs Parentheses

Dashes  — Dashes  are  used   to  set off or emphasize the content enclosed within dashes or the content that follows a dash . Dashes place more emphasis on this content than parentheses . ​ ​ Perhaps one reason why the term has been so problematic —s o resistant to definition , and yet so transitory in those definitions — is because of its  multitude of applications . ​ ​ In  terms   of   public   legitimacy — that  is , in t erms of garnering support from state legislators, parents, donors, and university administrators —English  departments  are  primarily  places  where   advanced   literacy   is   taught . ​ ​ The U.S.S.  Constitution  became  known  as 'Old Ironsides' during the War of 1812 — during   which   the   cannonballs   fired   from   the  British H.M.S.  Guerriere ...